Graeme Batty

Player of Australian Country Champs 2010 & 2012, 44 matches, 1594 runs @ 33.91 Two centuries, nine half centuries, 20 catches, NSW Country Player of Year 2009-10, Australian Country Merit team on 2 occasions
Jordan Moran Australian Country Merit Team 2017, Player of Aust Country Champs 2017, One century (for NSW)
Simon Moore
71 matches, 2747 runs @ 38.24, four x 100, eighteen half centuries 50, 35 catches, NSW Player of Year 2010-11, Australian Country Cricket Hall of Fame 2019
Pat Darwen Country Merit Team 2017, NSW Player of Country Champs 2017-18
Jeff Cook 29 matches 1062 runs @ 36.62, Four centuries 100, four half centuries
Kaine Harmsworth Australian Country Merit Team 2012, 36 matches, 920 runs @ 31.27, Two centuries, six half centuries
Tom Groth 86 matches 128 catches & 16 stumpings, NSW Country Most Capped Player, Aust Country Merit team 2012 & 2014. Ian Healy Leading Wicket-keeper Award 2016 & 2020
Joe Price 2018 Player of Aust Country Champs, NSW Country Player of Year, Australian Country Merit team 2018
Caleb Ziebell 2018 Australian Country Merit team, 2018-19 NSW Country Cricketer of Year, 662 runs @ 38.58 one century and two half centuries
Scott Burkinshaw 2016 & 2020 Australian Country Merit team, 50 wkts @ 15.3, NSW Player of Australian Country Champs 2019-2020
Nick Foster Six times represented at the Australian Country Champs, Captain 2020
Andrew Maher 27 matches, 48 wickets @ 21.08, five wickets in an innings twice, selected in Australian Country Merit team 2012
Ben Patterson Australian Country Merit team 2019, NSW Player of Australian Country Champs 2019